Christmas is...?

on December 24 and 25, everyone says...
Merry Christmas! 

The days are common to spend with your family in the United States because they are Christmas!

And, open the present boxes where you find them under the Christmas tree? I know you like the moment most when you are child!

But, in Japan, family usually don't do anything on Christmas (It depends on the family). At least, my family did not anything as soon as I getting older, because most dating couples spend time together on the day.

Most people spend time with their friends as Christmas party.

What I heard is that most couples buy present for each other, and men sometimes buy a ring and some accessories for women. 

In these days, spending time with couple on Christmas in Tokyo Disney Land is very popular and the tickets usually sold out. 

So, Christmas in the United States and Japan are very different, and even though Japanese love American stuff, Japanese changed to own Christmas long time ago.

Next, I will continue talking about Japanese Christmas for food and Santa Clause!




Japanese Valentine Day


White Day?