mask men and women?
Mask men and women everywhere!!
In April, many people struggle with seasonal allergy such a spring allergy and pollen.
In Japan, most Japanese people wear the white mask during spring season not to have pollen.
Moreover, since Japanese are very sensitive, they also wear the mask during winter because flu and a cold are going around everywhere.
one Japanese train station
However, some women who don't makeup wear the white mask because they don't want to show their ugly faces.
And, you will feel warm when you wear the mask during winter.
Event though you are not very sick, you will be willing to wear the white mask because everyone wears it.
The white mask is very useful:
1. to prevent pollen and allergy
2. to hide your ugly face and your face that don't makeup yet
3. not to have cold and sick
Good to know! I definitely didn't know that you wear masks for that reason.