
Christmas is...? part. 2

What does your family eat on Christmas? I talked about how spend the time on Christmas in last blog post. (If you haven't read yet, go to the last blog post from HERE  !) Do your family eat, turkey, mashed potato, and some sweets? Surprisingly, People in Japan eat  Yes, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) on Christmas day!  I know you feel weird and why because whenever I told friends about Japanese Christmas, they usually respond "What!?"    Also, this cake is popular to eat in Japan. Strawberry cake (called Short cake) This is another fun culture, which is about Santa Clause. When I was a little, I believed that Santa Clause is real, because we always get a present from Santa Clause on Christmas day. On December 24, children write a letter and says "I want this toys or games or dolls." something like that. Then, on December 25, when children wake up in the morning, there is a present on the bed.  Which...

Christmas is...?

on December 24 and 25, everyone says... Merry Christmas!  The days are common to spend with your family in the United States because they are Christmas! And, open the present boxes where you find them under the Christmas tree? I know you like the moment most when you are child! But, in Japan, family usually don't do anything on Christmas (It depends on the family). At least, my family did not anything as soon as I getting older, because most dating couples spend time together on the day. or Most people spend time with their friends as Christmas party. What I heard is that most couples buy present for each other, and men sometimes buy a ring and some accessories for women.  In these days, spending time with couple on Christmas in Tokyo Disney Land is very popular and the tickets usually sold out.  So, Christmas in the United States and Japan are very different, and even though Japanese love American stuff, Japanese changed to own Chri...


What is Karo-shi? Karo-shi defines that people who work too hard and stressed out die from their overwork. This is also included suicide, illnesses, and depressed. In 2012, there were 813 people who died or attempted suicide due to long work hours and stressful work stresses, and also stressed out and illnesses. I thought there is a particular "Karo-shi" word in English, but Karo-shi is also known as English. If you are interested in more information about Karo-shi, here.

No characteristics when you are job hunting

Black or Navy suits have to be worn When you are ready to graduate from college, you will look for jobs with your business suits. In Japan, Japanese wear black or gray (most people wear black) suit both men and women. But, since there is Japanese style to wear black suit, job hunting season is often going to be like this picture. Everyone wears same suit and same style which didn't show their characteristics even though they need to do. The tendency to "accept diversity" is not so much compared to overseas. This picture is one of job fair in Japan. I know it looks so crazy, because even Japanese people think job hunting in Japan is super crazy. 

No leftover bring back

No boxes at the restaurant. In the United States, every restaurants have boxes to bring leftovers back which is super nice culture otherwise we don't have to throw food away. But, in Japan, we can't bring back leftover. This is because Japanese law is so strict. Leftover food will have damages since it is not fresh which are bad for human body from Japanese perspective. This is actual photo when they waste food in Japan. The case that if people get sick because of the leftovers, the company or the restaurant will have to go out their business. Moreover, Japanese food has a lot of raw fishes, and Japanese prefer fresh food which is their culture. But, at that same time, Japanese throw leftovers away as garbage. Unfortunately, Japanese food waste had got highest rate in the world even though  food self-sufficiency rate is so low in Japan. Not only Japan, but also people who live in this world have to think about people who live in some count...

sleeping everywhere?

Sleep Everywhere? Japanese love to drink alcohol event it is after job. Many people go to  "Izakaya", a Japanese drinking place  (Japanese bar restaurant). It is one of the Japanese bar restaurant in Japan There are so many types of food, such Japanese food, American food, Chinese food, and so on. As I said, even though it is weekdays, they go to there to drink, and many people got drunk. Some people don't care no matter where you are, people who got drunk sleep even in t the train platform. They tried to go back their home, but they couldn't. However, it is not safe to sleep at the platform for sure.  The truth is that some train  delayed due to accident resulting in injury or death.  To avoid injury or death, some platforms at the stations get walls. People have to care about themselves, and Japanese shouldn't drink alcohol too much. 😂😂😂

mask men and women?

Mask men and women everywhere!! In April, many people struggle with seasonal allergy such a spring allergy and pollen.  In Japan, most Japanese people wear the white mask during spring season not to have pollen. Moreover, since Japanese are very sensitive, they also wear the mask during winter because flu and a cold are going around everywhere.  one Japanese train station   However, some women who don't makeup wear the white mask because they don't want to show their ugly faces.   And, you will feel warm when you wear the mask during winter.  Event though you are not very sick, you will be willing to wear the white mask because everyone wears it.  The white mask is very useful: 1. to prevent pollen and allergy 2. to hide your ugly face and your face that don't makeup yet 3. not to have cold and sick