No leftover bring back

No boxes at the restaurant. In the United States, every restaurants have boxes to bring leftovers back which is super nice culture otherwise we don't have to throw food away. But, in Japan, we can't bring back leftover. This is because Japanese law is so strict. Leftover food will have damages since it is not fresh which are bad for human body from Japanese perspective. This is actual photo when they waste food in Japan. The case that if people get sick because of the leftovers, the company or the restaurant will have to go out their business. Moreover, Japanese food has a lot of raw fishes, and Japanese prefer fresh food which is their culture. But, at that same time, Japanese throw leftovers away as garbage. Unfortunately, Japanese food waste had got highest rate in the world even though food self-sufficiency rate is so low in Japan. Not only Japan, but also people who live in this world have to think about people who live in some count...